Esileht Ilu ja tervis Breast implant illness!

Näitan 7 postitust - vahemik 1 kuni 7 (kokku 7 )

Teema: Breast implant illness!


Sattusin jahmatava artikli peale, meditsiin meediumit jälgides, karta on et ka Eestis on naisi, kes sellest midagi ei tea ja maadlevad igasugu tervise hädadega. Rinna implantaadid pidid hoolega eraldama mürke ja tekitama väga palju erinevaid haigusnähte.

Üks näide:

In December 2012, when she was 21, my daughter Emma got breast implants.
Just like alot of young woman living in a society that seems to be ruled and judged by the way we look, Emma fell victim to wanting to be perfect in order to belong. She was young, impulsive, insecure, and thought that having bigger breasts would make her feel complete and more feminine.
As parents, we did all we could to try and change Emma’s mind but she was so sure that having the surgery would make her happy. And being 21, the power of parenting was removed from us. All we could do was be there to support her in the decision that she had made.
Emma found a highly recommended surgeon in Brisbane where she was living at the time, and was told that the Polyurethane Coated Silicone (Furry Brazilian ‘Silimed’) implants were the safest. Emma had also been advised they would reduce the risk of capsular contracture and would not need to be replaced unless ruptured or contracture occurred.
Emma’s surgery all went well and after a long and emotional time, life seemed to get back to normal but it was not long after Em having the implants in that health issues began to arise.

Over the years, she began experiencing symptoms such as chronic fatigue, intolerance to foods, swollen lymph nodes, eczema, depression, cold and discoloured hands and feet, back aches, joint pain and arthritis, cognitive dysfunction (brain fog and memory loss), low immunity, recurring infections, and issues with her adrenals and thyroid. The mildest of these symptoms began for Emma just months after getting implants. She has had many days where she couldn’t physically get out of bed. She has felt depression and despair that life was happening all around her, but yet she couldn’t participate.
By November last year, Emma had been to several Doctors, Naturopaths and holistic healers. She has had many tests, trialled many diets, and spent hundreds of dollars on supplements to help heal her body. Tests came back that she had an autoimmune disorder and Doctors told Emma that she her body was ‘attacking itself’. She had extremely high readings of heavy metals such as mercury, lead and copper. She was also diagnosed with Lyme disease and toxic mould.
Once she started developing more symptoms, we both began to do more research and found a ‘Breast Implant Illness’ website and Facebook support group that had over 30,000 members whose symptoms matched Emma’s. Upon research, Emma also discovered that her implants were suspended from use in 2016 by the TGA, have now been banned worldwide, are no longer FDA approved, and have been linked to deaths and cases of breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). We also learned that over time, all implants break down over time and wreak havoc on the body. The shell and implant is comprised of silicone and over 30 other toxic chemicals. Emma’s immune system was constantly fighting them, as they were after all, two foreign objects that had been placed inside her body.
In the months leading up to her surgery, Emma was told that she had Grade 1 Capsular Contracture. If she had of kept her implants in any longer, one of the breast implants would have hardened, causing more serious health issues.

Today, my beautiful and brave girl had surgery to remove the ‘toxic bags’ (as she likes to call them) from her body. We travelled to Sydney for the five-hour surgery, which was performed by an amazing surgeon by the name of Dr Wessels.
After her surgery, Em is in a lot of pain and has to have drains in over the next few days but she has reported that a weight has quite literally been lifted from her chest. There is no joint pain and her mind is clear. She knows that she won’t feel 100% better overnight, as it has taken almost six years to make her sick. With the implants removed, Emma’s immune system can now focus on what it needs to and Em can focus on regaining her health, healing and getting her life back.

Breast Implant Illness is a topic that unfortunately has not gained enough emphasis yet. Emma is thankful for learning the truth from other women through ‘Breast Implant Illness’ support groups who are sharing their stories and helping raise awareness on the topic. Celebrities are also sharing their stories – Crystal Hefner, Stevie Nicks, Nicola Robinson-Evans etc.
Emma wants to empower people to feel comfortable within their own skin and not feel they have to change a thing about their body. If she can change one persons mind about getting implants, then this would make Emma very happy and in some way worth everything she has been through.

I ask that any of my friends to share this post if you would like and also urge anyone considering such an invasive surgery of getting breast implants, to do your research and join the Facebook support groups where there is plenty of real stories and factual information. It is not only the breast implants that Emma had in that have caused health concerns, as many women have had different implants put in and they all have the same health issues.

Breast Implant Illness support group:

Breast Implant Illness support group for Australian women:

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Mul olid implantaadid ja esines mainitud “capsular contracture”, prooviti parandada järgmiste operatsioonidega, kuid keha ikkagi tõrjus võõrkehasid. Lõpuks lasin eemaldada, nüüd ei valuta õnneks. 4 aastat olid kokku mu sees

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Mis siin nii jahmatavat on? Arstid teavad seda ammu. Tekivad igasugused antikehad, immuunsüsteem läheb vussi, selle jaoks lausa omaette diagnoosid olemas.

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Ma valgustan siis natuke teist külge. See teema kerkis tegelikult üles juba 80-ndatel ja jätkus 90-ndatel. Hulk naisi kaebas Dow Corning’i kohtusse, süüdistades rinnaimplantaatide tootjat oma autoimmuunhaiguste tekkes, paljudel õnnestus ka võita. Sellest said muidugi järgmised innustust, kes siis ikka heast valurahast ära ütleks. Dow Corning läks peaaegu pankrotti, aga peagi järgnesid põhjalikud teadusuuringud ja implantaatide ning autoimmuunhaiguste (ega ka muude haiguste) vahel põhjuslikku seost ei leitud.

Siin kirjeldab üks arst, miks rinnaimplantaatidega naised endal keskmisest enam haigussümptomeid leiavad (pikem jutt, sh reaalsest patsiendist, kes arvas endal luupuse olevat: ):

…. researchers have documented a number of differences between women who are seeking breast augmentation and the general population. In nearly every measure of psychological health, from low self-esteem, to depression, to frequency of psychiatric admissions, divorce and increased alcohol and cigarette use, in general, breast augmentation women differ from women who forego the procedure. Although some women report improved self-esteem and other measures of improved psychological health after augmentation, imagine the emotional trauma to a woman who is told her breast implants have triggered an incurable connective tissue disease?

The vivid imagery of silicone particles traveling throughout the body means you can’t undo the damage. The poison is everywhere. Sleep is impaired. Stress goes through the roof. Free-floating anxiety settles in. Headaches, fatigue, diffuse pain ensue. This process of somatization—the development of myriad unexplained bodily symptoms without a clear underlying disease—may morph into mass somatization when the suspected trigger is subject to mass media coverage and potential litigation.

Mass somatization, I believe, was at the root of the silicone breast implant epidemic. A perfect storm of circumstances existed: A susceptible population of women, initial reports linking silicone implants to autoimmune disease, media hype and litigation lit the fuse of disabling fear and suffering. Hundreds, then thousands, then hundreds of thousands of women developed life-altering symptoms they believed were due to their breast implants.

Veel jäi mulle silma, et teemaalgatuses toodud naisel diagnoositi Lyme’i tõbi ehk puukborrelioos, mille puhul on uuringutes leitud, et see võib autoimmuunhaigusi esile kutsuda. Aga puukborrelioosi ta nüüd küll oma rinnaimplantaatidest ei saanud.

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Kasutaja on kirjutanud teemasse 2 korda. Täpsemalt 07.10 22:12; 08.10 12:29;
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Ma pole arst ja ei ole ka pädev arutlema rinnaimplantaatide kahjulikkuse üle, aga ma tõesti usun, et mida vähem me oma keha retsime igasugu kunstasjadega, seda parem tervisele. Võimalik, et rinnaimplantaadid ei tee suuremale osale inimestest midagi halba, aga on neid, kellele need halba on teinud ja see peaks olema piisavaks hoiatuseks. Seda enam, et ehkki näiliselt ilusad, on kunstrinnad siiski ebaloomulikud. Jah, kui mul on imetamise tagajärjel rinnad nagu tühjad õhupallid, või kui mulle polegi looduse poolt ilusaid rindu antud, on kenad sümmeetrilised ümarad rinnad unistuseks ilusad küll, aga ma ausalt ei arva, et see kaalub üles võimalikke ohte.

Olgem ausad, paljud lasevad rinnaimplantaate panna ikka selleks, et tissid oleksid suuremad. Aga MILLEKS? Miks peavad tissid olema suured? Minu arust on suured tissid koledad ja ebamugavad. Ja mis on rindade esmane funktsioon? Imiku imetamine. Mitte seksuaalsus, mis on meie kultuuriruumis rindadele külge poogitud.

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Praktiliselt kõik siin teemas opi teinud naised on rahul.

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Võimalik, et rinnaimplantaadid ei tee suuremale osale inimestest midagi halba, aga on neid, kellele need halba on teinud ja see peaks olema piisavaks hoiatuseks.

Point ongi selles, et teadusuuringud on näidanud, et rinnaimplantaatidega inimeste hulgas ei ole süsteemsete haiguste esinemissagedus suurem kui implantaatideta naiste hulgas. Kui keegi laseb paigaldada rinnaimplantaadid ja juhtumisi pärast seda haigestub, siis see ei näita põhjuslikku seost.

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Kasutaja on kirjutanud teemasse 2 korda. Täpsemalt 07.10 22:12; 08.10 12:29;
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Näitan 7 postitust - vahemik 1 kuni 7 (kokku 7 )

Esileht Ilu ja tervis Breast implant illness!

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