Esileht Hobinurk Netflix

Näitan 3 postitust - vahemik 1 kuni 3 (kokku 3 )

Teema: Netflix


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Go to the homepage and click on your user in the top right.
Then, navigate to your account and press the “Cancel Membership” button.
You’ll see a confirmation screen, just click “Finish Cancellation” and there you go. …
If you want to leave it there, your account will be deleted in 10 months.


Netflix deletes canceled accounts after 10 months, but you can get your account deleted faster. Delete your Netflix account by first canceling it and then by sending an email to from the email address associated with your account. Type “Delete my account” into the subject for the email and then request in the email that they delete the Netflix account. Netflix will process your request and respond to your email address when your account is deleted.

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Go to the homepage and click on your user in the top right.

Then, navigate to your account and press the “Cancel Membership” button.

You’ll see a confirmation screen, just click “Finish Cancellation” and there you go. …

If you want to leave it there, your account will be deleted in 10 months.

Netflix deletes canceled accounts after 10 months, but you can get your account deleted faster. Delete your Netflix account by first canceling it and then by sending an email to from the email address associated with your account. Type “Delete my account” into the subject for the email and then request in the email that they delete the Netflix account. Netflix will process your request and respond to your email address when your account is deleted.

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Näitan 3 postitust - vahemik 1 kuni 3 (kokku 3 )

Esileht Hobinurk Netflix