Esileht Ilu ja tervis SOS-pillid ja meeleolu kõikumine???

Näitan 6 postitust - vahemik 1 kuni 6 (kokku 6 )

Teema: SOS-pillid ja meeleolu kõikumine???


Kas see on normaalne,paar päeva tagasi võtsin Escapelle tableti ja nüüd on sellised tujukõikumised ja kurbusehood,et jube?(muidu võtan ka juba 4-dat kuud antidepressanti Flux,mis on hästi mõjunud.)

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No sinna ju kirjutatud et see võib tekitada meeleolu kõikumisi.
Mina ka kasutan neid. Ja need tunduvad siiski leebemad kui mõned teised.

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terve naine ei tohiks kasutada pidevalt hormoonpreparaate. näete ju ise, et need ei mõju hästi. ja see on ainult nähtav osa. paarikümne aasta pärast ahhetavad ja ohhetavad 30-aastased naised, et appi, kuidas küll vanasti naised nii lollid olid ning hormonaalseid vahendeid kasutab vaid harimatu ja enesest hoolimatu kiht ühiskonnast (juhul kui need üldse lubatud on).

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See ei ole ammu enam uudis, et paljude ärevushäirete ja depressioonide all kannatavate naiste hädad on alguse saanud justnimelt hormonaalsetest rasestumisvastastest vahenditest.

Mõned lood:

Aug 31, 2011 .To: everyone.Like everyone else is saying, I can completely relate! I started taking the pill about a month ago, and at first I noticed I was a bit irritable, but other than that I was feeling pretty good. But then college started again and I started having horrible anxiety attacks (this was after about 3 weeks on the pill). I have suffered from depression for quite a bit of my life, so I’m very familiar with it, but this is not normal, even for me! There is a tightening in my chest like I can’t breathe. Meditation no longer gives me any kind of relief when before it usually did. I’m now on antidepressants/ anti anxiety meds and seeing a counselor. I’m used to feeling a bit down, but not panicky!

Sep 02, 2011 .To: all.hey everyone,
thank you for all sharing your stories and now i know what could possibly be wrong with me. I am 16 years old and just started the birth contol pill ortho try cyclen lo. I got on the pill because of bad PMS before periods and cramps during periods. For the past month of taking it i have been experiencing anxiety, the feeling of dread, crying alot, negative thoughts, loss of appetite, withdrawal from being social, worrying, and trouble sleeping. I looked up the symptoms of depression and realized i had many off them. I always had maybe a little depression throughout my life due to events that take place but i have always tried to look on the bright side and achieve my goals and be positive. Now recently i have hardly an interest in doing things. Im sure these feelings are a result of the birth control im on and i have never experienced anything like this. I needed some advice and my question is should i stay on the birth control and see if my mood swings and side affects subside over time or should i contact my doctor to get off the pill?


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See ei ole ammu enam uudis, et paljude ärevushäirete ja depressioonide all kannatavate naiste hädad on alguse saanud justnimelt hormonaalsetest rasestumisvastastest vahenditest.

Mõned lood:

Aug 31, 2011 .To: everyone.Like everyone else is saying, I can completely relate! I started taking the pill about a month ago, and at first I noticed I was a bit irritable, but other than that I was feeling pretty good. But then college started again and I started having horrible anxiety attacks (this was after about 3 weeks on the pill). I have suffered from depression for quite a bit of my life, so I’m very familiar with it, but this is not normal, even for me! There is a tightening in my chest like I can’t breathe. Meditation no longer gives me any kind of relief when before it usually did. I’m now on antidepressants/ anti anxiety meds and seeing a counselor. I’m used to feeling a bit down, but not panicky!

Sep 02, 2011 .To: all.hey everyone,
thank you for all sharing your stories and now i know what could possibly be wrong with me. I am 16 years old and just started the birth contol pill ortho try cyclen lo. I got on the pill because of bad PMS before periods and cramps during periods. For the past month of taking it i have been experiencing anxiety, the feeling of dread, crying alot, negative thoughts, loss of appetite, withdrawal from being social, worrying, and trouble sleeping. I looked up the symptoms of depression and realized i had many off them. I always had maybe a little depression throughout my life due to events that take place but i have always tried to look on the bright side and achieve my goals and be positive. Now recently i have hardly an interest in doing things. Im sure these feelings are a result of the birth control im on and i have never experienced anything like this. I needed some advice and my question is should i stay on the birth control and see if my mood swings and side affects subside over time or should i contact my doctor to get off the pill?


Googlist leiab palju infot selle kohta.

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Puberteediaegsed, rasedusaegsed ja klimakteeriumiaegsed meeleolukõikumised on tingitud järskudest muutustest hormoonide tasemes. SOS-pillid on jõhker hormoonilaks. Eks selle pärast need olidki hulk aega retseptiravimid, et neid päris kergekäeliselt võtta ei tohi. Praegusel ajal on selle pärast käsimüügis, et kui lõpuks retsepti saad, võib olla juba hilja tabletti võtta. Nii et jah – muidugi võivad olla meeleoluhäired tingitud sos-pillist, kuigi konkreetse ravimi kasutusjuhendis sellest juttu pole. Aga kui oled niigi antidepressandiravil, siis oled sa selles suhtes ka märksa õrnem kui teised.

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Näitan 6 postitust - vahemik 1 kuni 6 (kokku 6 )

Esileht Ilu ja tervis SOS-pillid ja meeleolu kõikumine???

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